The Rochester Association for Film Arts & Sciences, Inc. (RAFAS) is a dedicated group of talented, experienced individuals in all aspects of film making.

We want to share our knowledge with local individuals and groups that are interested in developing their skills in these disciplines, but are unserved or underserved by existing resources.

We will focus primarily on local independent film makers, high school students and college students that wish to improve their skills in all aspects of filmmaking and to create a sense of community and a platform for learning through special events.

RAFAS was formed as a combined venture of Rochester Audio Visual Association (RAVA) and Rochester Movie Makers (RMM). The long legacy of RAVA formed in 1956 by Tom Hope and John Flory, included organized conferences, workshops and exposés that RAVA greatly filled over its rich 60 year history. Rochester Movie Makers was formed in 2008 by Stanley Main, and quickly became a vital support entity for local independent film productions.

RAFAS is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit educational corporation.

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