Great First Pages

RMM Writers Workshop: Great First Pages
This Sunday at the Rochester Movie Makers Writers Workshop, we’ll be taking a look at the first page of successful screenplays. During Oscar season, CBS News posted the scripts of many award contenders, and they can be a valuable resource for writers like us.
In reading the first page of these screenplays, I find it interesting to see how different writers solve problems. How does the use of language, grammar, character, and dialogue grab the reader’s attention and place him or her in the story? I’ve also noted structural quirks — how does one convey that a movie is a silent film, how are titles used, etc.
So visit the following page and download a few PDF files. Print out your favorite first pages and bring them along to our meeting for discussion.
As always, feel free to bring along your own work to share, too.
The RMM Writers Workshop is this Sunday, May 20, at noon at the Pita Pit, 311 Alexander Street, Rochester.
-Mike Boas mike(AT)