Networking Workshop – June 22

Due to the success of the May launch of the RAFAS Networking Event, we are continuing the workshop into June. The date will be June 22, from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. It will take place at Nox again, at 302 North Goodman Street.

For those that weren’t able to attend the last meeting, now is the time to get involved! We will be maintaining the same format, which worked out in everyone’s favor.
The night consists of everyone introducing themselves, what hats they wear and what they’re currently working on. We’ll have a couple of topic points to go around the room with, in which everyone will get a chance to share their opinion. Then, some free-range networking: if someone caught your attention, you will be able to go up and make an introduction. And, who knows? Maybe you’ll catch someone else’s interest.
This event is sponsored by RAFAS and is open to all filmmaking enthusiasts. We hope to see you there!

Click here for the Meetup event

Click here for the Facebook event