July Networking Workshop

NOTE: The July Networking event is not taking place at Nox. There is a glitch where Meetup was repeating our May event every month. It should be fixed now.

Very sorry about the stall in announcing the event. We were supposed to switch locations for the third quarter, but the problem was: everywhere was booked.

Luckily, the Toasted Bear in the South Wedge took us in for one more meeting.

For those unfamiliar, the Networking Workshop is a monthly event for filmmakers and film enthusiasts alike to get together, introduce themselves, describe what they do and what they’re working on.then It’s a great opportunity to meet other filmmakers and possibly work on each others’ productions.

For those who haven’t been yet, now is the time to come. The summer shooting schedule is in full swing, and lots of people are in need of cast and crew. To the regulars, join in again at a place you’re pretty familiar with by now.

Thursday, July 26, 2018
6:30 PM to 8:30 PM

Add to calendarToasted Bear Tavern689 South Avenue · Rochester